The middle 40 pin integrated circuit is labelled R6502-13, it is a Rockwell 1MHz 8bit microprocessor.
At the top of the board is sixteen 16pin integrated circuits labelled HM4816AP-11, they are 16384-word by 1-bit Dynamic Random Access Memory. So in total that is 32KByte of RAM.
Top right is a 24 pin chip labelled HN4827128G-25, it is a 16Kx8 nMOS EPROM Memory. Scratched on the foil
covering the Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory was WATFORD and below that DFS.
Below that was another chip labelled HN613128PB, it is a BASIC ROM chip.
Below that is an empty 24 pin socket and below that another 16Kx8 nMOS EPROM Memory. Scratched on the foil is
Everything is on one mother board, a very neat package.