IBM 360/67 Computer components.

The following table shows the components of the IBM 360 Model 67 computer.

Look at the weight, electricity, and cost of each component.

1lb is about 1/2 Kg.

Component Weight lb Electricity KVA Cost £ Description
2067 2992 8 306,548 Central Processing Unit
4 x 2365 5440 50.0 660,000* Core Storage
2 x 2860-2 1320 3.7 60,870 Selector Channels
2870-1 660 4.3 51,628 Multiplexor Channel
1052-7 30 0.1 1,175 Printer Keyboard
2820-1 660 4.2 45,120 Storage Control for drum
2301-1 455 3.4 39,430 Drum Storage
2314 1540 12.2 101,250 Disk Storage
2702-1 230* 0.3* 19,240 Transmission Control Unit
2540-1 477 1.2 14,065 Card Reader/Punch
1403-2 375 1.2 14,759 Line Printer
2403-1 450* 2.0* 17,435 Tape Control Unit
2401-1 364 1.6 6,470 Magnetic Tape Drive
2821-1 455 2.4 18,974 Printer Control Unit
3 x 2741" 90* 0.3* 4,791 Communications Terminal
2822-1 750* 1.5* 4,020 Control Unit
2671-1 10* 0.1* 4,297 Paper Tape Reader
TOTAL 12,000 71 1,370,072
The sources of the information here is from two documents in the museum:
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